spiritual direction

with Sara Smalley

wonder • wisdom • curiosity • courage • connection • joy

Instructions for living a life.

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it.

― Mary Oliver

To email with questions: smalley.sara@gmail.com

To schedule an appointment: calendly.com/sarasmalley/spiritual-direction-session


searching • questioning • healing • deepening • expanding

What is spiritual direction?

Life is hard, but you don't have to journey alone. A spiritual director is a companion on the journey -- not a friend, not a therapist, but someone who helps you nurture your relationship with the Sacred. Spiritual direction helps you orient and reorient your life to God, the Holy, Love, Justice, whatever name you give the North Star that helps you find your way. Your life's journey is then filled with renewed authenticity, purpose, and meaning.

As a spiritual director, my main task is to listen to you -- to listen so deeply, in fact, that you begin to hear yourself differently as your true voice emerges. You begin to hear more clearly the sound of the Sacred echoing throughout your life.

Spiritual direction sessions are generally held monthly for 50 minutes. I offer an initial consultation to answer your questions and to see if I'm a good fit for what you're looking for in a spiritual director. Sessions are available both in person and on Zoom. Since I am in training as a spiritual director, sessions are free as a part of my supervised practicum.


Spiritual direction can occur in both small group and one-on-one sessions. Both often starts with a few deep breaths, some silence, and a chance to let your heart catch up with you. The majority of the session is spent with the seeker talking and the spiritual director listening and posing open-ended questions. We then close with a poem, reflection, or more silence, honoring the transition back into daily life.

There is no "right" way to talk during a spiritual direction session. You don't have to pretend to have the answers or even to know what the right question is. Bring your struggles, your joys, your grief, your hopes. I often encourage people to babble through something until they get to a word or phrase that catches in their throat or softens their heart. This is then where our attention goes. This might mean recognizing barriers like fear, shame, burnout, or religious harm that stand in the way of who you long to be. It might mean discovering something that feels energizing for you -- a glimmer that leads the way towards the life you seek. After all, the spiritual path can also be one of beauty and delight.

Whether you are theist, atheist, pagan, mystic, humanist, something else, or you don't know what you believe, you get to show up to spiritual direction as your authentic self. No pretense. No guise. Just you and however you define the Sacred sitting down for a chat, with me there to facilitate the conversation.

About ME

I offer warm support, gentle questions, and a confidential space where both laughter and tears are welcome. I have training in trauma-informed practices and don't shy away from complexity.

I was raised Catholic, but after years of spiritual seeking became ordained as a Unitarian Universalist minister. I am a religious naturalist, meaning I experience the universe itself as a sacred text. I am currently in training as a spiritual director through St. Catherine's University and have a Masters of Divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological Seminary.

My experience as a spiritual director encompasses both individual and group spiritual direction; the Enneagram; UU Wellspring; work with people of all ages, backgrounds, genders, and sexualities; and supporting people of any (or no) spiritual or religious affiliation. I look forward to meeting you!

To email with questions:


To schedule an appointment: calendy.com/sarasmalley